Thursday 21 March 2013

3 rd entry : How Do We Perceive Pregnant Women In An Industrial Work Element?


       Pregnant women at an industrial work place? What is your perception towards them?. As a woman, I think, this is a serious issue to look at. Why do I said that?. For your information, pregnancy is the fertilization and the development of embryo or fetus in a woman's uterus. During pregnancy, the future mother will coping with the morning sickness and other diseases. So, it is important things to make sure that the mother is in the good and healthy condition in the way to deliver a healthy baby.Back to our topic on how do we perceive women in industrial work element. For me, it is a dangerous thing to allowed or encouraged the pregnant women to work at an industrial place. This is because, there are several negative effect that they will face in the future. Besides,I am not discriminate the pregnant women towards this issue because I know that the pregnant women also have their own responsibility to find money. But try to think twice on the negative effect that they need to face if they continue work at the dangerous and risky work place.

       A pregnant woman who work at an industrial workplace will exposed to many kinds of dangerous  toxic, chemical substance and radiation where it can affect the mother's and the baby's health. At the same time,it also can cause the birth defects and miscarriage of the baby. That is very dangerous,right?. Besides, as you know, pregnant women need a lot of rest and need to use a lot of energy during their pregnancy.This can cause the pregnant women easily to get tired and feel stress with the changes at the surroundings . On top of that,pregnant women also want to give a full commitment to their works but they have certain things that they have to limit it because of their condition.So, in the way to solve this problem, the management should care about the pregnant women's welfare so that they can work at the comfortable and safe environment work place.

       In addition, pregnant women who work at the industrial workplace also exposed to the air pollution. This is because, the air at the industrial workplace is very dirty, hazardous and dusty.The dirty air inhaled by the pregnant women can give several bad effects towards her and the baby's health. The bad effects that may be face are can cause respiratory problems and can cause infants to be born premature. So, it is important to the pregnant women to care about the cleanliness of their surroundings because it can give bad effect to the mother and to the baby itself. Last but not least, it is important for the future mother to care about their health whenever they are and always remember that a child is a gift which is very valueable that we must care with full of love.Thank you.


Ritz and Wilheim, 2008,' Air pollution impacts on infants and children',UCLA Departments of Epidomology.


Pregnancy and Radiation exposure.

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