Thursday 21 March 2013

5 th entry: Stereotyping

Stereotyping is exaggerated generalizations associated with a categorizing system,they go beyond the facts at hand and make claims that usually have no valid basis.It is also something that most people find difficult to avoid from doing. What do you think?

       Stereotyping is the way on how we view someone or make the judgement towards someone or any group without we know them. Stereotype can happen anytime and anywhere such as at the workplace, stereotype about someone abilities and usually happened to someone that we first time meet or based on our first impressions.As cited in Pearson et al,"the first impression are based on other people's appearance and may occur in as little as 3 seconds (Sterling,2006) . I think and agree that stereotype is the most people find difficult to avoid from doing it. This is because, we are born in the different background ,gender,race,age and even have the different color of skin. We are attracted to judge something which is different from us. This stereotype have the positive and negative side.Besides it also can lead to the prejudice and not all the thing that we predict about someone is true.

       I also stereotype of person.For example, I always thought that the bookworm is a boring type of a person. But who knows the person that I  thought as a boring person always help me when I have problem in my studying. This situation shown that stereotype is something that we cannot be predict and sometime we can make a wrong judgments or assumptions about someone.Last but not least, I think that there are the ways that we can do in the way to avoid stereotype like try to list a specific stereotype that you want to avoid. But what is the most important thing is, stereotype is difficult to avoid from doing it because it have been a part of human behavior and it is take time to change it. Thank you.


Pearson et al, 2011, Human Communication,fourth edition,McGraw-Hill Education

4 th entry : Baby-for-sale racket, money can indeed buy happiness.How do you view this statements?


       Regarding to the statement in the New Straits Time on 3 March 2013, I am totally not agree with the statement because this babies selling syndicate is very important matter to be look at. This is because, this crime is increase day by day and has been a serious problem in our societies.For example,in Kuala Lumpur, the selling of babies is a famous activities because of the high demand and the high price. But, try to think again. Can we consider a baby as a 'thing' to sold?.Where is their right to have their own happiness?.People might think that a baby does not know anything but they also a human,they have their own right and pride same as we are.Why we take advantages towards the babies just because of our own happiness and for our profitable.It is not fair.

       Child is a gift from God.In my opinion, parents should be responsible to their own child event though they have difficulties in the way to raise them. This is because, it is not easy to care a baby during the pregnancy.We have to cope with the morning sickness and have to carry the baby anytime and anywhere we go. And once we deliver that baby, why must we sell them to the other person?.It is because of the financial problem?. Do not simply make the financial problem as one of the reason why we sold the babies. Try to think again,is it worth the pain that we feel when we want to deliver a baby with a money,RM 40,000 that we got when we sold the baby?.There are many other ways that we can do despite on selling the babies to other person if we cannot afford to raise the baby. We can send the baby to any welfare home or we can find someone who willing to care our own child temporarily like adoption agencies. With that, we will know what happened to our child and their welfare will be safe. Besides, once we sell the baby at the black market to someone that we did not know, we maybe did not have chance to meet with our child and of course we did not know what happened to our children anymore.In addition, it is true that the baby can give a set of life to the couples who bought the baby. But,can you make sure that the baby that you sold will be happy with the couples that bought the baby?. So, thinks before you sold your child and please do not assume your child as a burden to your life.

       From my point of view, with the modern technologies that we have, a money-rich but child-poor couples can do a lot of other alternatives in the way to have a baby like IVF and take an adopt child from any legal institutions like welfare home despite on buy the baby at the black market.Last but not least, always remember that, money never and cannot buy happiness. Thank you.

3 rd entry : How Do We Perceive Pregnant Women In An Industrial Work Element?


       Pregnant women at an industrial work place? What is your perception towards them?. As a woman, I think, this is a serious issue to look at. Why do I said that?. For your information, pregnancy is the fertilization and the development of embryo or fetus in a woman's uterus. During pregnancy, the future mother will coping with the morning sickness and other diseases. So, it is important things to make sure that the mother is in the good and healthy condition in the way to deliver a healthy baby.Back to our topic on how do we perceive women in industrial work element. For me, it is a dangerous thing to allowed or encouraged the pregnant women to work at an industrial place. This is because, there are several negative effect that they will face in the future. Besides,I am not discriminate the pregnant women towards this issue because I know that the pregnant women also have their own responsibility to find money. But try to think twice on the negative effect that they need to face if they continue work at the dangerous and risky work place.

       A pregnant woman who work at an industrial workplace will exposed to many kinds of dangerous  toxic, chemical substance and radiation where it can affect the mother's and the baby's health. At the same time,it also can cause the birth defects and miscarriage of the baby. That is very dangerous,right?. Besides, as you know, pregnant women need a lot of rest and need to use a lot of energy during their pregnancy.This can cause the pregnant women easily to get tired and feel stress with the changes at the surroundings . On top of that,pregnant women also want to give a full commitment to their works but they have certain things that they have to limit it because of their condition.So, in the way to solve this problem, the management should care about the pregnant women's welfare so that they can work at the comfortable and safe environment work place.

       In addition, pregnant women who work at the industrial workplace also exposed to the air pollution. This is because, the air at the industrial workplace is very dirty, hazardous and dusty.The dirty air inhaled by the pregnant women can give several bad effects towards her and the baby's health. The bad effects that may be face are can cause respiratory problems and can cause infants to be born premature. So, it is important to the pregnant women to care about the cleanliness of their surroundings because it can give bad effect to the mother and to the baby itself. Last but not least, it is important for the future mother to care about their health whenever they are and always remember that a child is a gift which is very valueable that we must care with full of love.Thank you.


Ritz and Wilheim, 2008,' Air pollution impacts on infants and children',UCLA Departments of Epidomology.


Pregnancy and Radiation exposure.

2nd entry: My Expectations and Hope on Critical Literacy

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and welcome to my blog ...    

     7 January 2013.I opened the new book for the new semester with different classmates,lecturers and subjects.8 a.m at KS-B-3,my beloved lecturer,Madam Zariati Binti Radzali introduced to me and my classmates to one of the killer subjects for this semester, Critical Literacy.So,what is critical and what is literacy?. But,what is the main concern to me is about the word, 'critical' .My brain set the negative thinking.This subject must be difficult and did not easy to get an A's .Besides, before this, I have heard many negative comments from my senior about this subject that make I feel scared and do not have confidence on this subject.

       On top of that,with a lot of quizzes ,assignment,and presentation,my mind started to think.Can I learn something and get the best result for this subjects?.I hope that my questions will be answered one day and please pray for me so that I will pass this subject with flying colors.Last but not least,I also hope that one day,I will make my beloved lecturer proud to have a student like me.I guess that's all from me for now.Thank you.

..... Let's begin this journey together !!